According to a recent article regarding trouble sleeping from, it’s not only the people that snore who are suffering the effects from a poor night sleep, but also the people in the house (or same bed) who can’t sleep because of the snorer. This has significant ramifications. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, “drowsy driving has been identified as a contributing factor in 16.5% of fatal crashes in the U.S.”. The AAA also revealed that, “41% of drivers surveyed said they have fallen asleep or nodded off at the wheel at some point in their lives.” Staggering numbers to say the least.
Sleep deprivation doesn’t just affect motorists though. The Air India jet that crashed last May killing 158 people was found to be the result of sleep deprivation. The cockpit recorder recorded the pilot snoring heavily prior to the crash.
The gist of the article can best be summarized by John Penek, MD, board certified in sleep medicine and medical director of the Sleep Health Institute at Chilton Hospital in Pequannock. “Snoring is not just a nuisance for those around us, but a warning signal that you are putting yourself and others at risk. Snoring is often an indicator of sleep apnea, which reduces air flow when you sleep. The human body goes into panic mode if it receives less oxygen. Blood pressure rises and the heart will become stressed.”