what is sleepyhead™?
sleepyhead is a dietary supplement designed to help you relax and fall asleep.
who should take sleepyhead?
sleepyhead is designed for anyone experiencing occasional difficulties falling asleep. from the average joe (or jane), to the frequent flyer who is looking for an answer to jet lag, to the night shift worker whose sleep cycle is off.
is sleepyhead safe for everyone?
as with all supplements, you should speak with your physician to understand how sleepyhead will affect you.
does sleepyhead contain milk or soy?
yes. sleepyhead contains both milk and soy.
is sleepyhead gluten free?
yes. sleepyhead is gluten free.
how should i take sleepyhead?
we recommend drinking the entire contents of the can 15-30 minutes before you would like to go to sleep.
can i consume alcohol before (or after) taking sleepyhead?
sleepyhead should not be consumed with alcohol, as it may intensify the effects of alcohol.
can i drink sleepyhead while pregnant?
sleepyhead is not recommended for women pregnant or nursing unless recommended by your doctor.
can i drive or operate heavy machinery after taking sleepyhead?
no. do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming sleepyhead.
will sleepyhead react with any medications i’m taking?
as with all supplements, you should speak with your physician before taking sleepyhead with other prescription medications or over-the-counter products that carry drug interaction or other warnings.
is sleepyhead safe for children?
sleepyhead is recommended for people 18 years and older unless recommended by your doctor.
is sleepyhead addictive?
sleepyhead does not contain any known habit-forming ingredients.
will sleepyhead have the same sleep effect on everyone?
no. people naturally react differently to different supplements depending on age, weight, ease of falling asleep and other factors. if the effects of sleepyhead are stronger than you would like, it is recommended that you try consuming only half of the can.
can i consume more than one sleepyhead a night?
we recommend consuming no more than one can of sleepyhead per night.
how long can I take sleepyhead for?
the ingredients in sleepyhead are taken by many on a nightly basis. we however, recommend not consuming sleepyhead more than 2 weeks in a row without a 4-5 day period of non-use.
is sleepyhead alcoholic?
no. sleepyhead is a non-alcoholic drink.
does sleepyhead need to be refrigerated?
no. although sleepyhead is excellent cold!